Robbie Werner has been baking up a storm for many years on Fort Worth’s Southside…

Her Stir Crazy Baked Goods began life on South Main in 2012, back when the neighborhood was still a ghost town of a warehouse district. Werner then moved Stir Crazy to Magnolia Avenue in 2015.
“We were the first thing in what is now South Main Village,” Robbie Werner tells PaperCity Fort Worth. “When we decided to consolidate and down-size to just one location, Tereka Lofton took the space for her Loft 22 Cakes.”
The bakery scene in Fort Worth has exploded ever since, and Werner just revealed on social media that Stir Crazy Baked Goods signed a lease for a second location on Race Street.
“I’m not a big social media person, but this was the biggest response to any post all year,” Werner says. “I love the Race Street neighborhood, and we are thrilled by the excitement of everybody.”
The next Stir Crazy Baked Goods location will hopefully open in July at 2707 Race Street, Suite 121.
Up until now, Werner notes that she has done everything herself. “I paint the walls and my husband put all the equipment in when we opened on Magnolia,” she says.
The classy bakery is charming with exposed brick, an old-school feel and a bakery case that is always brimming with goodies.
The new Race Street Stir Crazy bakery will be much smaller — and Werner is turning over the design to local firm 97w this time around.
“It is about half the size,” she says. “We are going to create a micro bakery. The menu will be smaller as well ― the same variety, but smaller quantities. Race Street is not super well traveled just yet. It’s an up and coming neighborhood. I just love the DIY feel of the place.”
Werner is a mother of three (pre-teen and teenagers) who knows how to juggle a lot. The name of her bakery is Stir Crazy after all. Her oldest child works the bakery counter and the younger two bake doggie treats for the case ― so the whole family is involved.
Many local coffee shops have been serving her baked goods for years, and though Werner would never toot her own horn, a number of food and beverage businesses in Fort Worth got their start as pop-up vendors in her bakery. Werner’s generosity of spirit has even helped launch other bakers. This bakery queen is a prime example of the rare foodie community that exists in Fort Worth.
Werner is a true leader, always ready to cheerlead and showcase local makers even if they happen to be direct competition.
When the new Stir Crazy Baked Goods opens on Race Street in July, the hours will be Tuesdays through Saturdays from 8 am to 6 pm to start.